9. Project Human Resource Management

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9.2 Acquire Project Team

The Acquire Project Team process is the identification, evaluation and employment of human resources for the execution of the project plans and activities. This process guides in the assignment and selection of responsible individuals to further promote project success.  Associated knowledge area also listed on this pager are:

  • 9.3 Develop Project Team
  • 9.4 Mange Project Team

The Inputs, Tool & Techniques and Outputs for this process are listed in figure 30 below. 9.2 fig 30 p267.png

Figure 30. Acquire Project Team: Inputs, Tools & Techniques, and Outputs. Reprinted from "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 5th Edition" by Project Management Institute, 2013, p.267. Copyright 2013 by Project Management Institute, Inc. Reprinted without permission.

Process Definition

Depending on the Organizational structure, and other internal and external situations the Project manager will have varying degrees of influence as to who is on the project team.  However even when the PM has little control of who is serving on the team, the process of negotiating and influencing the team construction should be utilized. Things to consider while selling management on the team you want are qualifications, numbers, personality conflicts, skills set and reliability.  Reminding the project originator and stakeholder their stake in the project could be in jeopardy with the wrong team.

Process Assessment

This process allows the project manager to establish a workable, motivateable, and reliable group to help oversee the project implementation.  The project budget, schedule, quality and risks may be effected by this selection process.



The Human Resource Plan below from PMGT501 was developed for out Leader in Environment and Energy Design (LEED) home.  Much of the human resources in this project are actual project team members overseeing contractual construction components.  It is a little unique but still meet the requirement of identifying roles responsibilities and requirements. see 9.2.1

Tools & Techniques

The tool artifact I chose to include is a blog I wrote in PMGT612 on working with projects across cultural lines.  It would fall under the criteria of multi-criteria decision analysis.  Although it deals with the subject different than those pointed out in PMBOK (availability, cost, experience, ability etc.) It takes into consideration many of these topics from a cultural aspect. see 9.2.2


The included resource calendar was generated in MS project of the purpose of developing a hiring team for a banks from PMGT 502 see 9.2.3

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9.3 Develop Project Team

The develop Project Team process is where leadership skills become optimal in the project process.  The project manager needs to evaluate improve and develop team member involvement, interaction and competencies. This is where a good manager sets the tone for the project by inspiring, motiving and training the team members if needed. Getting the team excited about the project is beneficial to providing a sense of purpose and comradery.  The Inputs, Tool & Techniques and Outputs for this process are listed in figure 31 below. 9.3 fig 31 p273.png

Figure 31. Develop Project Team, Tools & Techniques, and Outputs. Reprinted from "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 5th Edition" by Project Management Institute, 2013, p.273. Copyright 2013 by Project Management Institute, Inc. Reprinted without permission.

Process Definition

The develop project team requirement is not only about the team but also the individual.  Solid individuals develop solid teams. This means utilized personal skills to draw upon individual strengths for the benefit of the team; and increasing individual strengths by providing instruction, opportunities, support and positive feedback.  Mangers may have to acknowledge short coming but help to minimize them focusing on other strengths or opportunities to grow beyond those short comings.  This works for the team as well as the individual.  Recognition and rewards for achievement are a component for this process.  Managers should be focused on developing trust, encouraging cooperation and collaboration and constructive conflict resolution.  A key element to this process is open communication.

Process Assessment

The purpose of this process is to facilitate greater positive team interactions, trust and synergism; thereby increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the project oversight and management.  A well-managed project improves the overall outcome of project deliverables and maybe the key to projects success in the case of adversity. 



The first artifact is a project team responsibility list from PMGT613.  In that course we were required as a project team to develop a comprehensive risk management plan.  This list was developed as an example of how project team member can assume roles within the processes.  see 9.3.1

Tools & Techniques

The self-assessment include is from PMGT611 it is an evaluation of my leadership and communications styles.  It meets the needs for this artifact in that it is an assessment of how I may be able to effectively lead the development of a project team. see 9.3.2


The team performance blog listed below was from PMGT611.  It is a report on a performance of a team I worked with in the USAF.  It provides an analysis of what went wrong and what could have been done to improve overall team interaction. see 9.3.3

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9.4 Manage Project Team

The Mange Project Team process is where the project manager tracks the performance of project team member's engagement in their roles responsibilities against expectation.  It involves individual performance feedback, conflict resolution, and possibly reassignment to optimize project performance.  Here the manager can influence, motivate and correct or resolve issues in a positive manner for the betterment of the team and project. The Inputs, Tool & Techniques and Outputs for this process are listed in figure 32 below.9.4 fig 32 p279.png

 Figure 32. Develop Project Charter: Inputs, Tools & Techniques, and Outputs. Reprinted from "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 5th Edition" by Project Management Institute, 2013, p.279. Copyright 2013 by Project Management Institute, Inc. Reprinted without permission.

Process Definition

This is the management process for the project team.  Here a project manager must lead and motivate the team to optimal performance regardless of conflicts.  Conflict resolution is an important skill to employ. Praise, encouragement and positive support are key elements of this process. Rewards and acknowledgement of achievement also improve team management process.  Communications and negotiation are foundational in coordinating project and personal needs. Managers should challenge team members, support them to success and recognize their achievements.

Process Assessment

The Manage Project Team process is how the project manager facilitates a positive, proactive, motivated, reliable team and responsive project team. One that is energized to meet the needs of the project and overcome threats, conflicts and other difficulties.



The artifact WBS 5.7 HR Plan Team_1 is from PMGT611. I've used this before but it is applicable for this instance as well; because the second part of that project was to demonstrate the changes we would make in the IT programs office to make them more project oriented.  You will notice the significant change when you see the output organizational structure.  Both artifacts are project team oriented as well because the project was to create a project team within the IT program.  see 9.4.1

Tools & Techniques

Team management encompasses nearly all the tools listed above in the ITTO chart.  My final reflections paper for PMGT 611 covered all these topics.  The artifact below is an excerpt from that paper that deals with all these Tools and techniques. see 9.4.2


Finally the last artifact is the new organizational structure chart for the IT program from our PMGT611 project where we developed a more effective  IT Project team structure out of an existing IT programs office.  see 9.4.3

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