Figure 46. Control Stakeholder Engagement: Inputs, Tools and Techniques, and Outputs. Reprinted from "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 5th Edition" by Project Management Institute, 2013, p. 410. Copyright 2013 by Project Management Institute, Inc. Reprinted without permission.
1. Expert Judgement (Tools & Techniques): This PMGT 614 PM Crosstalk visits the importance of including subject matter experts in the creation of a work breakdown structure. Understanding who to include during the project process is an example of displaying expert judgement and a valuable took in stakeholder engagement.
2. Meetings (Tools & Techniques): This PMGT 611 blog assignment discussed the importance of meeting in support of achieving triple constraints. This personal example discusses my visit to Baghdad, Iraq as a member of the Peace Dragon Team. Meetings provide the opportunity to engage stakeholders in the project process.
3. Project Documents (Input): This PMGT 502 stakeholder register is a valuable piece of the control stakeholder engagement process. It serves as the foundation by listing the names of each stakeholder and the appropriate level of required engagement.