Figure 28. Direct and Manage Project Work: Inputs, Tools and Techniques, and Outputs. Reprinted from "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 5th Edition" by Project Management Institute, 2013, p. 79. Copyright 2013 by Project Management Institute, Inc. Reprinted without permission.
Process Assessment
While it may sound simple enough, this process helps ensure all work remains in line with the project management plan and objectives. Responsibility for successful completion of this process rests with the project manager. The project manger and his/her team directs the planned and unplanned activities through ensuring activities meet the project objectives, deliverables meet planned work, team members are properly trained, needed resources are acquired, quality standards are maintained, communication channels remain open, and stakeholders are managed.
1. Approved Change Requests PMGT614 Bicycle Project (Input): This PMGT 614 Group 4 assignment provides an example of the change request process.
2. Dashboard Design (Tools & Techniques): This PMGT 614 assignment was to discuss the various types of dashboards and the information they contain. These dashboards serve as a reporting tool for directing the bicycle project.
3. Change Requests (Output): As project evolves, it may become necessary to institute process changes as a result of the discovery of a quality issue, or perhaps from something as simple as a customer request. As a result, it is common to begin this process with the submittal of a change request form. PMGT 614 Group 4 designed a change request form to be used as part of the formal change process. This group submittal serves as an example of a change request form.