4.5 Perform Integrated Change Control
During the Perform Integrated Change Control process the project processes that have been identified as needing change are documented, reviewed, evaluated, implemented, reported on and finally documented for disposition. Each disposed change is reported back to stakeholders, as process plan documents are updated and archived as an organizational process asset. The Inputs, Tools and Techniques and Outputs are listed in figure 37 below. 
Figure 37. Manage Stakeholder Engagement: Inputs, Tools & Techniques, and Outputs. Reprinted from "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 5th Edition" by Project Management Institute, 2013, p. 94. Copyright 2013 by Project Management Institute, Inc. Reprinted without permission.
Process Definition
The Integrated Change Control process begins and project inception and continues throughout the project to closure. The Project Manger is responsible to oversee this process and ensure the appropriate project documents and plans are updated. Each change should be tracked throw to its disposition and reported on to stakeholders as necessary. The change process must be followed as outlined in the Change management plan which is part of the Project Management Plan.
A Change Control Board (CCB) should be part of this process. The chartered CCB reviews, evaluates and response to change requests. The response may be approval, disapproval with narrative, or delay for further evaluation or information.
There are two components to the Integrated Change Control process: Configuration control which zeros in on deliverable and processes and Change Control which deals primarily with changes to project documents, administrative deliverable and baselines.
Process Assessment
This change control process is how project make the most effective improvements to correct deficiencies, improve processes, plans, documentation, schedules and appropriately respond to identified risks.
The first artifact is a change request for the Bicycle Build Project to reduce project schedule in order to meet the holiday sales season. This is obviously the first step in the integrated change control process. See 4.5.1
Tools & Techniques
The second step includes the analytical study and cost estimates for the change. This is also the second artifact for this process. I chose to keep with the same problem to show continuity. See 4.5.2
The output of this process would be either an approved or disapproved with reason change request form. In this case it was approved and was logged on the change control log. See 4.5.3