Process Definition
This process of monitoring project stakeholder relationships and adjusting how project managers approach the project to adequately engage stakeholders in a timely fashion.
Process Assessment
This process requires some managerial skill and patients. Some project management interpersonal skills are to be continuously developed over time. Once stakeholders are identified, a plan is in place to meet needs, then project managers need to know when engage certain stakeholders.

Control Stakeholder Engagements: Inputs, Tools and Techniques, and Outputs. Reprinted from "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 5th Edition" by Project Management Institute, 2013, p. 410. Copyright 2013 by PMI.Inc. Reprinted with out permission.
1. Project procurement management plan (Input): This artifact was selected from PMGT 502. It was a written assignment which describes project communication between stakeholders and how to properly reports scope, schedule and budgets to everyone.
2. Work Performance Information (Tools and Techniques): The artifact that was selected, provides different examples of estimating. It was taken from a blog assignment from PMGT 614. There are different levels depending on where the project is in the schedule. This tool can be used to assist project managers to control and engage stakeholders.
3.Organizational Process Asset Updates (Output): this is an essay to explain an output from the Controlling Stakeholder Engagement process. Organizational Process Assets (OPA) updates can include getting feedback from project stakeholders.